Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Millennial Generation

Elder Russell M. Nelson, president of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ speaking to the youth of the Church tonight (January 10th, 2016) said that they were the “true millennial” generation:

“The title “millennial” is the perfect description of your generation, but for different reasons than the experts say. A true millennial is one who is taught and did teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ premortally and who made covenants with Heavenly Father there about courageous things, even morally courageous things that you would do here while here on earth. A true millennial is a man or woman whom God would trust to send here during the most compelling dispensation of the world. A true millennial is a man or woman who lives now to help prepare the people of this world for the second coming of Jesus Christ and his millennial reign. Make no mistake about it you were born to be a true millennial.” (Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults, President Russell M. Nelson, January 10, 2016)

President Nelson gave four suggestions on how the youth could live up to the task that they Lord has sent them here to do:

1 Learn who you really are – pray and ponder about the following facts:
a.     You are an elect son or daughter of God.
b.     You were created in his image
c.     You were taught in the spirit world to prepare you for anything and everything you would encounter during this latter part of these latter days. That teaching endures within you.

2    Expect and prepare to accomplish the impossible. God has always asked his covenant people to do difficult things, you can count on it.

3    Learn how to access the power of heaven. Everyone has questions, seeking to learn, understand, and learn to recognize truth is a vital part of our mortal experience. You will learn much by asking inspired questions. Our Heavenly Father and His Son stand ready to answer your questions by the ministering of the Holy Ghost, but it is up to you to learn how to qualify to receive the answers to those questions. Pray to know what to stop doing and what to start doing. Plead with the Lord to receive the power of discernment and live worth to receive the answers. You can know the mind and will of the Lord. As important searching Google, Twitter, and Facebook are in finding answers is, going to the Lord for answers is critical to knowing the truth of all things.

4    Follow the Prophets. Prophets see ahead. They see the harrowing dangers the advisory has placed or will yet place in our paths. Prophets also see foresee the grand possibilities and privileges waiting those who listen with the intent to obey. The Lord has promised that he will never allow the prophet to lead the church astray. They may not agree with your political view or ideals but if you will ask in faith for your own witness the Lord will answer you.

What a wonderful message from one of the Lord’s living Apostles today. It is a privilege for me to serve as the Bishop of a young married student ward here in Logan, Utah. I see every time I meet with these young son’s and daughters of God that they are “true millennials” as Pres. Nelson said they are. I am impressed with their faith and their dedication to the Lord. They love their Savior and strive to follow him by serving our Heavenly Father’s children here as best as they can.

I have also witnessed those who have struggled with their testimonies and have given in to the teachings of men and the mocking of those in the great and spacious building. Those who fall away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ lose their way because they are not doing the four things President Nelson suggested they do.

I invite you to watch the entire devotional address, including a wonderful message from Sister Nelson, President Nelson’ wife. I know if you take the time to watch it you will feel the promptings of the spirit telling you the message is true.

Your comments and questions are welcome.

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